Thank you for visiting our Broken Hearts, Inc. web site to learn more about our beautiful Joni's Heart.
Welcome to BROKEN HEARTS, Inc. ~ helping hearts to heal and recognizing those who volunteer and work with individuals who are dealing with pain and grief. Please see a few testimonials at the bottom of the page.
NEW PRODUCT: Joni's Heart/A Caring Heart Keychain (photo coming soon)-See the order now link for details~
Actual Size (1.50") Color: Gold
Color: Silver
Actual Size (.75) Color: Gold
Color: Silver
JONI'S HEART IS ABOUT GIVING PEACE TO GRIEVING HEARTS AND PASSING IT ON WHEN THE HEALING BEGINS. Consider passing it on to those grieving the death of a loved one or friend, the break-up of a relationship, loss of a pet, diagnosis of an illness, etc. Copyright * 2008 Broken Hearts, Inc.® All rights reserved
JONI'S HEART ~ THE CARING HEART PIN is about recognizing someone in your organization, company, church, or community who cares for those who are grieving or in need of assistance and/or guidance. Recognize your extra milers with the Caring Heart pin. Copyright * 2008 Broken Hearts, Inc.® All rights reserved
JONI'S HEART DONATIONS : At least 20% of the profit from all pin sales is donated to: Special Olympics Indiana (Joni's favorite) and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Michiana
A portion of the sale of all pins sold through Ronald McDonald House Charities of Michiana will go to the RM Michiana House. The pins sold to any Ronald McDonald House Charity are sold at cost.
Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Indiana-Michiana, Inc.
and Ronald McDonald House Charities® special orders, contact: Carol Dawson ( 812-284-2993 or Michiana Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Indiana-Michiana, Inc.( ) - request the special order form
We're here to provide comfort for those who are grieving and living with a broken heart. God is closest to those with a broken heart.
See testimonials below.
The Broken Heart Story:
Carol Baker Dawson's Extra Miler's newspaper column featured Joni Stockdale, the inspiration behind the name, Joni's Heart. See link "About Us" above to read about the history of our pin and our mission.
Created to fill a specific need, BROKEN HEARTS, Inc. hopes to help ease the pain of BROKEN HEARTS, through this comforting and beautiful pin, "Joni's Heart"...a reminder that the person in grief has a friend who truly cares about his/her well being and shares in their sadness. A broken heart may come from the loss of a friend, relative, or pet. It may come from a break-up or the loss of a job. No matter the reason, know God is closest when a heart is broken and needs strength to move forward.
While Joni's Heart may need to stay with a person for weeks, months, or even years...Joni's Heart is not necessarily meant to stay with a person forever (although many have found such a deep connection that they choose not to pass it on ~ and that is okay). Joni's Heart has primarily been created to be passed on when the owner's heart has healed to the point that it can be shared with another grieving heart. Passing on Joni's Heart is acknowledgement that it's owner has moved into the healing phase of grief. This act has been extremely cathartic for many people. Still, some recipients of the pin have felt the heart symbolizes the loss of their loved one and they prefer to hold on to it as a keepsake. We all deal with grief in different ways.
Thank you for visiting this web site and for reading the story of Joni's Heart.
with love,
Testimonials (just a few - we have had many more):
Pat N., Kentucky: "I believe the Joni's Heart Pin is comforting in the loss of a loved one. I am a nurse and one of my co-workers and friend for close to 30 years lost her son at the age of 23. I purchased the Joni's Heart pin for her. She wore it every day and said it reminded her of her son. After wearing it for less than a month, she lost her pin. I saw the disappointment and hurt in her face as she explained how she lost it. I purchased a replacement pin for her and the look on her face when the pin arrived was priceless. What a powerful impact Joni's Heart Pin had on this greiving Mom."
Shelley M., Michigan/Indiana: "McDazzle was a huge success! The Caring Heart pins are now being worn all over town. Thank you for making our gift to our charitable donors extra special."
Barbie H., Virginia: "I have watched the Joni's Heart pins impact my friends in many positive ways. I was not sure at the beginning what to expect, but it has been truly wonderful to see what a little pin is able to do when someone you love is in so much pain. Over the past few years I have shared these pins with parents, grandparents, sister, adult children who have lost parents and even a dear friend who was grieving for her four foot furry child.
In each situation the pin seemed to bring comfort and I am not able to explain why. My dear girlfriend lost her Mom when she was sixteen and now that she is an adult with grown children she welcomed a pin to keep in her jewelry box to just touch from time to time. She said it gives her something tangible to hold on to when she is missing her Mom.
Another precious friend lost her son to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and she wears her pin around the anniversary of his death. Recently, a long time friend's child died as result of an unthinkable act of violence and the Mom who lost her son to MD wanted to pass her pin on to the newly grieving Mom. I could not believe that someone who treasured her pin so much was willing to part with it to help another parent. I assured her that a Joni's Heart was on the way for the other family and that she could keep her pin. I think that was a true testament to the impact of the Joni's Heart. The stories go on and on and each is unique, but what I have found is that we may not understand why, but the Joni's Heart pin makes a difference to people who are grieving and the pin does touch hearts. Thank you Carol and Joni for these pins that keep on giving."
Jane W., Michigan: "I have given two of the hearts out to friends who have lost parents, and they seem to have a strange sort of immediate connection. One girlfriend wore her pin every day for over a month and sure enough, she passed it on when one of her friends lost his brother to a car accident. She said he needed the pin more than she did at that time. Joni's heart touches lives in a positive way."
Samuel H., Arizona: "My daughter and I are very close. I purchased one of your pins for her while she was going through a devastating and ugly divorce. She wore the pin for several weeks and then I didn't see it for a while. Recently I asked her about it and she said she had moved on with her life and had she passed it on to a friend who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Somehow having the pin seems to help. Thank you."
Jon W, Kentucky: "This pin transform hearts. I have witnessed how individuals going through loss have been deeply affected by wearing the pin. I am glad there is something special like Joni's Heart available to me to give to friends and family who are hurting. Thank you."
Inez W., Florida: "Recently a friend lost her beloved poodle, Nellie, after 14 years together. She was devastated. I found this pin on the internet and gave it to her. I don't think she will ever give it away. She wears it every day and when she talks about Nellie,
her hand goes to the heart pin. I was glad to be able to comfort her a little. Thank you. "
Copyright * 2008 Broken Hearts, Inc.® All rights reserved